I went along intending on just looking around and hanging out with some awesome ladies, which certainly happened. But I also came home with a BEAUTIFUL vintage sundress that fit me perfectly! It was from the lovely lady at Audrey Scarlett Vintage who sneakily persuaded me to try it on while I was admiring it, and when it fit so well there was no way I wasn't taking it home with me! I don't have any pics of me in the dress yet, but I will definitely share them when I do.
Below is the lovely Catherine from Audrey Scarlett Vintage, with Kase and Kat:
Also one last quick pic of a label for a different dress on the same stall, I just HAD to snap a pic when I saw the "yay pockets!" comment! hehe! So true!!!
Thanks for a fab evening girls, and particular thanks to Kase for inviting me along :)
PS: You all need to get on Kase's back about blogging, as I think she'd be really good at it, she just needs to jump in and do it!
Looking forward to seeing the dress acquisition! :)