Friday, April 9, 2010

Flashback Friday #1 : Spotty PJ Bottoms

I have decided to start a new (possibly semi-) regular spot on my blog; Flashback Friday. I thought it would be run to use Fridays to share an old project that I made before I started my blog. So, without further ado.... flashback #1:

Spotty PJ bottoms, made Nov 2006.

I made these pyjama bottoms because my very favourite pair that I'd bought from Primark had completely worn out (so threadbare that I'd worn a hole through the bum!) So, I unpicked the seams and used them to make a pattern. The fabric was bought at Spotlight and they've been worn VERY regularly ever since... sadly they're starting to wear thin around the waistband. The pattern I made has gone missing since, so once they do finally die they'll be unpicked and a replacement pattern made.

Interestingly, the fabric has held up pretty well. Above shows the actual PJ bottoms on the right and the original fabric (the leftovers of which are still in my stash) on the left, they've slightly faded but not too much.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Flashback Friday, good idea!
    I love spotties. Very cute pjs.


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